Park Manor "knocked out"
   Photo: Park Manor "knocked out"

Park Manor "knocked out" is a natural site, in addition to having aesthetic and culturally important. It is located in the village of embossed Soletskogo District, Novgorod Region. The park is about sixty acres. The normative act of conferring the status of a monument to the park was passed Novgorod regional executive committee in 1975.

The history of the park dates back to the nineties of the nineteenth century .  He belonged to the Boris Aleksandrovich Bulatov .  Boris was adherent P . A .  Stolypin .  He headed the Ministry of Agriculture and had progressive views on the conduct of land management .  He fought for the holding of drainage works on wetlands as suitable for cultivation, and in the rain forests .  If it were used for reclamation closed and open drains .  Using innovative methods, agricultural machinery and crop rotation allowed to gather a rich harvest of forage and grain crops .  But the main item Vybitskogo economy still had a long time fresh milk and valuable acclimatized young breeders .  An additional boost when B . A .  Bulavina received other industries, such as meadows, arable farming, forestry .  Worked brick factory, a distillery, a sawmill, a factory for the production of flax .  It was built a steam mill .  Thus, production was put on an industrial basis .  When B . A .  Bulatov in the territory of the estate conducted a large educational work .  It was built and worked as a school to teach a hundred students, which gave a four-year education .  Hospital hospital could take twenty patients and ambulance to a hundred patients .

With the advent of Soviet power in 1918, the land of the estate was divided among the peasants from nearby villages. In the summer of 1918 peasant units were converted to the farm "knocked out." The Civil War interrupted the peaceful labor of the collective farmers in the area has been declared martial law. And does exactly and forestry nurseries to dramatically worsened. Already in 1921, they have been abandoned, it does not help even the fact that a year ago, in spring 1920 the estate declared a monument as a cultural economy.

In spite of everything, forestry in embossed repeatedly evoked interest among academia. Planting spruce, fir barbed, larch, arborvitae and some other conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs have attracted the attention of scientists and they came to the knocked-out for the study of methods and types of planting.

In Vybitskom park is something to see. Plantings were made taking into account the landscape features, the presence of terraces and the steepness of the slopes. This is especially true for the western and northern part of the park where the river Koloshka. In the valleys of the park dug ponds, which hit the keys, filling the pond with water. A special attraction is the coastal part of the park where the vegetation is replaced by coniferous-deciduous arrays. These arrays are mainly composed of century-old oaks and larches. You can also find ash and fifth. The southern part has more open spaces in which the trees are presented in groups and alleys. The central part of the park is notable for the presence of stairs and benches are made of stone and date from the early nineteenth century.

Currently, the park is in decline. The banks of the river falls, the river itself is clogged and sometimes more like a swamp. Ubiquitous windbreak and single fallen trees. The buildings of our times spoiling the look of the park. The so-called wild road led to the destruction of lawns.

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