Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Seton
   Photo: Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Seton

The Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rosary draws the attention of everyone who faces the entrance to the pier, where ferries leave for Steton Island. Directly opposite the entrance is a small red brick building in the Federal style with a cross on the bell tower, which is connected to the same small house unusual architecture.

They even look like one, although the left side was built in 1964 - its extremely well stylized "neighbor", built in 1793. It is an old building on the right - the former home of Senator James Watson, allegedly designed by John McComb Jr.. A small house of red brick with white columns and balustrade on the roof looks very original thanks to an unexpected corner niche height of two stories.

Small complex divided the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Seton - the first American canonized by the Vatican. Raised in the Episcopal Church, Elizabeth - young beauty fun - married businessman William Seton. They had five children, in 1802 when William went bankrupt and sick with tuberculosis. Doctors advised him to warm climate, Seton sold everything they had, and eldest daughter went to Italy, where William and died. For a while Elizabeth lived with the child in a Catholic family of Italian partners, William. Their deep faith and a warm part produced on Elizabeth impression that on his return to America, she joined the Roman Catholic Church.

Before Elizabeth was a problem of spiritual education of children, and she realized that this is a problem faced by all parents. Not without difficulty (and financial, and related anti-Catholic sentiments in society) in 1809 founded the Elizabeth Seton in Emmitsburg Academy of St. Joseph's, women's religious community the Sisters of Charity, dedicated to education of poor children, and free Catholic school. This marked the beginning of her parish Catholic schools in the United States. She herself as the head of the community since then was called "Mother Seton." So the girl who loved to play music, to ride on horseback and dreams of a happy family life, has become a wise abbess, learn to live in poverty, work hard and overcome the persistent difficulties.

The Holy See's mother Seton canonized in 1975. Here in New York, dedicated to her national shrine (special Catholic church) stands on the very spot where once was their home to William, which began her adult life. Church of Our Lady of the Rosary is named in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary Mission, founded in 1883 and located in the same building. The mission had no relation to the St. Elizabeth Seton, but acted in the same spirit of charity - it has helped hundred thousand irlandok who arrived in the United States, to find housing and work and reconnect with relatives.

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