Rocas Atoll
   Photo: Rocas Atoll

Rocas Atoll is located in the Atlantic Ocean. It belongs to the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte. Atoll is located 200 km from the city of Natal. Opening Rokas was due to a shipwreck in 1503.

Rocas Atoll is of volcanic origin and is formed in part due to the corals. Rokas only atoll in the South Atlantic, and the smallest in the world. The shape resembles an oval atoll. Its length - about 3 and 7 km, and the width - 2, 5 km. The depth of the lagoon six meters, an area of ​​about 7 km

The highest point is Rokas southern sand dune, its height is about 6 m. The atoll consists of a large number of red algae and corals. Coral Band almost closed, the exception is only one strait, a width of 200 meters.

The small islands of the atoll covered with various grasses, shrubs and palm trees. The islands Rokas live different kinds of spiders, crabs, scorpions and birds. In the waters washing Rokas live sharks, turtles and dolphins.

In 1960, on an island in the lighthouse was erected Navy Brazil. In 2001, UNESCO took the atoll under his patronage as a world heritage site. And now Rocas Atoll is a conservation area. Its islands remain largely untouched by man because of its remoteness. Now it is used for research.

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