Inuyama Castle
   Photo: Inuyama Castle

The main tower of Inuyama Castle twice received the status of a national treasure - in 1935 and 1952, the second time because of changes in the law on the protection of cultural objects. Inuyama is one of hundred outstanding castles of the country. In addition, it is one of the oldest preserved castles. "Inuyama" translates as "mountain dog", and the second name of the castle in the translation sounds like "White Castle of the Emperor."

The castle is located 25 kilometers from Nagoya, and is located on a hill 40 meters high on the banks of the River Kiso. In 1965, the castle was dismantled for overhaul, and it turned out that his two lower floors were built much earlier than the upper. Year castle grounds known as the 1440 th, extant appearance was formed in 1537, and the construction of the main tower was completed only in 1620.

The castle was built on the site of Shinto shrine, which is due to the new construction was postponed. The main buildings were erected Oda Nobuyasu, Oda Nobunaga relative - the first unifier of the Japanese land. Castle several times passed from one owner to another, until in 1616 was transferred Naruse family, who owned it until 1872. Then Castle Inuyama Meiji government nationalized, and in 1895 returned to his former master back - too expensive for the Treasury turned its maintenance and repair after the earthquake in 1891. Now the building belongs to the prefecture of Aichi.

Inuyama Castle consists of three tiers of external, four above ground and two underground floors. The ground floor housed the barracks for the troops of the feudal lord. The second stored armor and weapons, and the third living quarters. Now the castle is kept small collection of weapons, armor, household items and other artifacts. The top tier is an observation deck, which can be seen the city of Inuyama and Kiso River.

Near the castle in a special wooden fence is a dry tree, whose age - 450 years. Once the tree was hit by lightning, and the castle itself survived. The tree is revered as the dwelling place of the deity Kami - keeper of the castle.

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