Temple complex Sofuku-ji
   Photo: Temple complex Sofuku-ji

Another Chinese temple in Nagasaki - Sofuku-ji - is considered the most famous of the four so-called "monasteries of happiness." Year of its construction - 1629 minutes, the founder became a monk from China Tёnen, also participated in the construction of immigrants from China's Fujian Province. The temple was intended for the Chinese diaspora Nagasaki, where the number was so large that it was 15 per cent of the total population of the city.

Construction "monasteries of happiness" was conducted during the brutal persecution of Christianity. The Government provides support to the spread of the two traditional religions, including Buddhism. The construction of these temples Chinese diaspora has proven his innocence to the Christian doctrine. The temple belongs to the Buddhist school Obaku.

Sofuku-ji Temple was built in the tradition of Chinese architecture of the late period of the Ming Dynasty. Temple Gate Daypo-mon and Chief Dayo Hoden Hall, which houses the statue of Sakyamuni Buddha, have been manufactured in China, dismantled and re-assembled in the Nagasaki. These two attractions are a national treasure of Japan. All in all, the temple holds 21 cultural value.

During the restoration of the statue of the Buddha in 1935, it was discovered by an internal organ of silver and fabrics. The temple also houses a statue of the goddess of the sea and protector of sailors Matsu. Another attraction is a huge cauldron, which was made by order of the priest Kianhaya for cooking porridge and distribution of its needy during the famine in 1681. Every day, cooked in a cauldron of five thousand portions of this humble dish.

Every year, from 26 to 28 July of the lunar calendar in the Temple celebrate the holiday O-Bon, dedicated to the dead. At this time in the church held a memorial ceremony, which comes a lot of Chinese living in Japan.

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