Murmansk Regional Museum
   Photo: Murmansk Regional Museum

Regional Museum in Murmansk - it is the oldest museum in the Murmansk region, the base of which was October 17, 1926. The museum is located in a building that has become a historical monument of the city. The objectives of the museum include: storage, acquisition and promotion of historical monuments of the Murmansk region. The building of the museum has 17 exhibition halls.

Activities for the establishment of the museum began in the early 1920s. In 1924, in a small house reindeer herders and fishermen was established Local History Area, which initiated by Professor GA Kluge, who assembled his own team of extensive study of the Murmansk region. In 1926 he became head of the museum Mikhail Mikhailov.

On the day of its opening, the museum of local lore presented to visitors about 500 items and at least 800 books. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War museum funds accounted for about 3 thousand items, and the library had about 3, 2 thousand books. During the war museum and library funds were urgently evacuated to the city of Monchegorsk, although some of them still was lost.
In the spring of 1945 the museum returned to his hometown. In 1957, the grand opening of a new exhibition in a modern building.
On the establishment of a permanent museum exhibition took time from 1960 to 1992. Museum staff with incredible activity is collecting monuments of spiritual and material culture of the region, traveled to various villages, towns and cities, as well as worked up collections, making plans for the next exposure.

During the years 1983-1986 in the building of the museum was carried out major repair work. The task was entrusted to restore exposures team led by the Director Pozhidaeva Vladimir Alexandrovich. In the fall of November 8, 1986 a significant upgrade to the museum was once again ready to receive visitors. Between 1989 and 1992 it realized the construction of a new exhibition titled "The Murmansk region for 1945-1992 years".

The exhibition "The Nature of the Murmansk region" tells the story of the richest depths of the Kola Peninsula, and you can see materials about the famous Kola super-deep borehole, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, as well as details to learn about the flora and fauna of the region. Here it is: dry aquarium called "The Life of the Barents Sea," diorama "Rookery" and "sub-Arctic Animals" with a beautiful imitation of the northern lights. Exhibited materials of the riches of the White and Barents Seas, as well as activities of Kandalaksha, Lapland Reserve, the Polar Research Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries and more.

The exhibition tells about the historical development of the region, dedicated to the archaeological, guns cultural industries Pomerania and Sami, authentic objects of domestic aspect of life, the interior of the home, an object of trade, the layout of the Kola castles and churches, as well as exhibits on the construction of the city of Murmansk and the railway there.

In the museum there are materials that tell about the revolutionary action in the Murmansk region, as well as the rise of industry in the years of collectivization during the years 1920-1930, the development of the famous Northern Sea Route, the formation of the Northern Navy and defense field during the Great Patriotic War.

On the development of the region in the postwar years can be found in the materials of 1945-1960's, which indicate the pace of recovery of the regional economy, culture and science. Here are the personal belongings of Yuri Gagarin, the flagship items during Antarctic expeditions, documents about awarding the Murmansk region honorary Order of Lenin in 1966 and assignment of Murmansk Glory of the Hero City in 1985.

Last Front exposition dedicated to trends in social, economic and political spheres of the region, since 1985 to the present day.

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