Murmansk Oceanarium
   Photo: Murmansk Oceanarium

Murmansk Oceanarium is currently Europe's only aquarium complex, which is studying the arctic seals and solves the problems of education, environmental education and public awareness .  Built and opened an oceanarium on Lake Semenovskii October 4, 1996 .  Here we study the behavior and training of pinnipeds, conducted biomedical research, providing maintenance and maintaining health of Arctic seals in captivity, investigated the physiological adaptation mechanisms of marine mammals of all ages to the environment year-round monitoring mode .  Enclosures available on the Semenov lake, you can simultaneously work with 10 seals .  Also in the steady aquarium are implemented research on the physiology and biology of neural activity of marine mammals in a controlled laboratory environment .  It carried out a large number of studies on the physiology of mammalian visual acuity, sound perception, colors that they recognize .

Employees Oceanarium made a number of social programs that are aimed at helping the most vulnerable groups: children with disabilities (diabetics, deaf, etc.), retired. In Murmansk Oceanarium tyuleneterapii sessions are held for children with autism and other incurable diseases.

In Murmansk Oceanarium marine animals known to almost all, that is why in a short time developed a method of treatment using the pinnipeds. Sick children are happy to swim with the good-natured creatures and at the same time gain a therapeutic effect. Organized leisure students, children who had excelled in biology and sports achievements. Under the care of the aquarium is a children's club called "shorthead" where we study the life of marine animals, and to maintain friendly relations with the Sunday school at the church of "Christ on the waters."

Currently, the Murmansk oceanarium is not only an educational center, which provides an opportunity for students of all ages to know the sea world of the Arctic and to acquire knowledge about marine mammals, but also - a platform for recreation and leisure Murmansk, as a junior, and advanced age. Thousands of residents of the Murmansk region, as well as guests of the region experiencing great pleasure of visiting the aquarium representations and meetings with its inhabitants during the year.

Currently residing in the Murmansk oceanarium seven seals artists. They are of the order of pinnipeds (Pinnipedia). In general, in the world fauna inhabits 35 species of pinnipeds, in our country no more than 15 species. Pinnipeds - a large or medium-sized animals are adapted to life in water. The food they get only in water, reproduction occurs exclusively on land. The aquarium presents 4 species of pinnipeds. It is rare, gray seals - they are listed as endangered, seal, sea hare (bearded seal) and harp seals.

In the summer, visitors have the opportunity to visit the presentation of seals. This show is always a lot of interest. Especially kids love the seals, and the show deliberately designed for a younger audience. Seals delight dancing to the music, save the "sinking" of people, throwing them a lifeline swim under water for a variety of objects, ride on the water Children in rubber boats. In the winter the seals are found in the reserve, in the Bay of deer, which is located near the Snezhnogorsk.

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