   Photo: Stramberk

Moravian Bethlehem, the town at the foot of the Beskid, the gateway to the Štramberk Karst - as soon not call the town Štramberk in the tourist guides and the local press!

Date of foundation of the city perfectly known. This happened in 1359. Lay the whole city - not quite simple. It needs to be powerful, richest man in authority. Such charismatic personality was considered a powerful friend of the Margrave Johann Heinrich, who first built a castle to defend the borders of the Moravian state. To support the newly created village Margrave gave the locals some of the rights that have contributed to the development and prosperity of the city. So, just shtramberktsy can brew beer and make bread and sell their products duty free. For the inhabitants of the neighboring villages did not extend the grace, so many have dreamed to move under the protection of the Margrave.

In Štramberk runs the representatives of the society Czech brothers. Citizens with hostility perceived encroachments of the Jesuits to make contact.

The city is often suffered from attacks by the armies of hostile nations. So, its not just ruined the Turkish and Magyar troops. However, citizens are not going to leave your favorite Stramberk and restored it, making it even more beautiful.

In the city and now you can see the entire neighborhoods of houses built in the XVIII century. It is a lovely, perfectly preserved examples of Wallachian architecture. They are built only of wood and is considered one of the city's monuments. Nature lovers will be delighted to visit the local botanical garden, which is famous for its arboretum.

Of course, you need to climb to the observation deck of the local castle and do not forget to buy a gift to friends of Stramberk branded cakes, which are called "ears".

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