White Forest
   Photo: White forest

White forest - forest complex located in mazovian lowland in the north-east of Poland. White forest - lowland forest, which was formed in prehistoric times on the European territory. For centuries, the forest was cut down and destroyed, however, remained intact only the array mazovian lowland. White Forest is located on the border of Poland and Belarus. 90% of forest consists of pine trees. The area of ​​this region is about 85 000 ha. The local climate is characterized by high rainfall (up to 650 mm per year), as well as a small number of sunny days. The average annual temperature in the White Forest is + 7 ° C. In the western part of the lowland dominated by arable land and meadows, the eastern part is occupied by primary forests.

From the thirteenth century, the local land belonged to the Bishop of Pultusk. Residents of areas protected the forests, because they were a source of income for the population. In the forest collecting mushrooms and berries, engaged in beekeeping. Despite all the efforts of local residents, the White Forest repeatedly suffered during armed conflicts and wars of the Middle Ages to the present day. The heaviest damage was caused to woodland during the Great Northern War and the Second World War.

The fall of the republic led to the fact that the forest was sold to private owners, which caused the devastation of the forest in the nineteenth century. The first attempts to save a unique forest were made only in 1880. Today, White forest - protected area, nature reserve.

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