Kampinos National Park
   Photo: Kampinos National Park

Kampinos National Park - Poland Reserve, created in Mazowieckie voivodship in 1959. In January 2000, it was included in the list of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. National Park area of ​​385 square kilometers is the second largest in Poland. Park - forest, which occupies more than 70% of the total territory. The most common trees are considered pine. The main river is the National Park Kampinos Lasitsa, among which are the territory of lakes and ponds. One of the most characteristic features of the park are the dunes and marshes.

National Park has a rich history. There are traces of human habitation in the Stone Age. It is known that the forest until the fifteenth century was owned by Mazovian princes. There were hunting Jan III Sobieski and Stanislaw August Poniatowski. Until the eighteenth century in the forests felling carried out for charcoal production. Great damage was done Kampinos park during the First World War, when the trees were cut down on a large scale for military purposes. The idea of ​​creating a national park was born shortly after the end of World War I, but the forest is privately owned, which prevented the realization of this idea. The park was established only in January 1959.

The park is home to Kampinos 3,000 animal species that make up a large part of the entire fauna of the country. Here you can see wild boar, deer, beavers, moose, marten, badger, crane, black stork, gray heron and bittern.

National Park is visited annually by more than a million tourists for whom there are special trails as hiking and biking.

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