   Photo: Datca

On a peninsula, which is a natural border between the Mediterranean Sea (Gulf Hizaronu in the south) and Aegean Sea (Gulf of Gokova to the north), seventy-five kilometers to the southwest of Marmaris, located a quiet fishing village of Datca. It is surrounded on three sides by the sea. There are mainly fishermen lived, to feed their families caught in the sea fish. Along the peninsula passes malonaezzhennaya deadlock road to the ruins of the city of Knidos.

Also worth noting is that there is a wonderful air and the humidity in the area is almost equal to zero, so that all physicians recommend this area for recreation for people with breathing problems and heart.

Beautiful nature, bay, devoid of vegetation and crystal clear sea characterize the Dutch. Around the peninsula is fifty two beautiful bays. Road Datca - Marmaris is truly fascinating with its amazing beauty. Datca is known for its honey, almonds, organic vegetables, and of course fish products. There is also a beautiful underwater world, is very attractive for divers.

According to legend, when smallpox was an incurable disease in the days of ancient Rome, wealthy aristocrats who become ill with the disease, the projectile ship, went to his last trip. Tired, they landed off the coast of Datca peninsula and decided to stay here forever. You can only imagine how surprised the other Roman travelers, when after a few years found condemned the apparent death of the living and healthy. They have recovered thanks to the local climate.

The eminent historian Strabo wrote in his works that if a person somehow gained the patronage of the gods, as a reward, he will be sent to the peninsula to live there for a long life.

Beach Datca now - is probably the most beautiful place that you can visit in the seaside Turkey. For good reason this place called the Turkish Riviera. Datca even on the number of boats being here can compete with the French coast: they can be seen everywhere, from Marmaris to Bodrum. Also, there is the largest number of yacht clubs in the country that defines certain characteristics and style of holiday, far from mass tourism. Hence, for example, originate "Blue Cruise", so called because of the local waters turquoise color.

Everything looks quite romantic: all week tourists make trips to the local wooden sailboats (gyuletah) along the coast, making stops only in the most famous historical places where a high concentration of Roman, Greek, Lycian, Byzantine and other ruins. One of these places is the ancient Greek Tekir - area, an example of which can be known features of ancient Greek urban planning: the temple of Dionysus, the amphitheater and the marketplace, even in a state of ruins will give you an idea of ​​the power of past civilizations. Compact gyulety come in a remarkably beautiful and picturesque lagoon where you can swim in complete privacy.

You can enjoy life on the beach, the air is due to coniferous forests on the planet takes the third place in terms of the concentration of oxygen in it, and the local fish restaurants are not inferior to the Italian. A great discovery here waiting for wine lovers: you should definitely enjoy Sarafin Fume Blanc, the taste will change your idea of ​​the Turkish winemaking.

There are cozy feel tourists who do not like the noisy bustle of the resort, as well as those who love nature, almost untouched by human hand. Local sparkling bays you can enjoy for hours. Especially beautiful at night in Datca. Night sky here is so beautiful that one can look at it all night long and forget about sleep.

Holidays are always appreciated because of very pure water. In Datca you can peace and quiet to relax in the unspoiled bays with golden sandy beaches. These beaches are worth to them to swim. One should visit the bay Crone.

You can go to the village Nearby, as well as hiking. It is necessary to look at the area Resad, located 3 kilometers from the center of Datca. There you will see Turkish stone houses.

Boat trips, which do advertise in the western harbor, really allow you to spend the whole day. Normally boats come in Palamut Byukyu, Domuz Chukur, Mesudiye Byukyu, the ancient city of Knidos and make three stops for swimming.

The peninsula is very nice to walk, enjoying the peace, mountains, seashores, as well as the smells of fruit. The road passes at the top, so that the neighboring Greek islands is very clearly visible. The path is decorated with olive and tangerine orchards.

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