Thames Barrier Park
   Photo: Thames Barrier Park

Thames Barrier Park lies in the area of ​​Silvertown - perhaps one of the most inappropriate places for green areas. However, it is not only the largest (from the built in half a century) coastal park in England, but also a source of pride of the city, managed to create the ruined area is a miracle of light.

District Silverstaun since 1852 - the traditional place of concentration of tank farms, production of rubber and chemical factories. Production of a dirty and dangerous: January 19, 1917 the munitions factory exploded, killing 73 people and hundreds were injured. During World War II local enterprises were subjected to fierce bombardment.

A place where now there is a park, held company that manufactures railway sleepers and telegraph poles. The wood then impregnated with hot creosote, a portion of which, of course, into the soil. Impregnated oil earth was completely lifeless.

In the seventies, the "dirty" companies have gone away - began construction of the Thames Barrier. In 1994, the Municipality decided to Thames renovation areas and the organization of the park here.

It announced an international competition, which was attended by designers, planners, builders. He won his French landscape architect Alain Provost, who proposed project is not just utilitarian green array, but this landscape park with fountains, gardens, trees and flower meadows.

In 1998, the Mayor of London, the first tree planted here, and in 2000 the park received its first walking. He organized on two levels. From the top you can admire the Thames and watch the boats and ships pass through the barrier. At the bottom are the gardens - artfully trimmed in the form of huge green waves of yew hedges, gravel paths, lawns. Both tiers are linked Memory Pavilion. It is set in honor of local residents who were killed during the Second World War. A fun and useful part of the park - a stone patio, which hit 32 Fountain. The trick is that the fountains are no protected in hot weather attracts children and adults, like a magnet - in strong jets of water can splash around and fooling around.

On 22 acres of the park there was a place for children's playgrounds, a basketball field and a cafe. And yet it is an oasis of tranquility and harmony with nature: crickets chirping, butterflies fly, buzzing bumblebees six species.

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