The main attraction of the country - the famous giant Victoria Falls height of 120 m .  and a width of nearly 2 km .  - Is located in the border area of ​​the country on the Zambezi River from the city Livingston .  Zambian side of the falls are sometimes unjustly forgotten in the description of this miracle of nature, but on the other hand, it provides a much smaller influx of tourists, and facilitated access to the lookout points more than the Zimbabwean side of the falls advertised .  One of the best places to observe, "closeup" Victoria - at Knife Age Point ("knife blade"), which can only be achieved by subtle, but absolutely safe footbridge that passes right through these clouds of water spray to the rocky island, cliff, stands in the middle of the river .  If the water is low and the wind is favorable, otkryvshayuschayasya magnificent panorama view of the waterfall and the yawning chasm below the Zambezi Bridge more than offset a small rise difficulties .  Other dizzying paths to the waterfall, the proposed tour, be sure to include a flight in a helicopter, light aircraft or paragliding, rafting down the white foam from the boiling water on rafts and canoes .  It is here, on the "Victoria Falls Bridge" and is the world's largest attraction "bungee jump" (better known to us as "bungee") - the height of the point of separation is 111 m .   I can complement the description