Museum of icons in the church of the Archangel Michael
   Photo: Museum of icons in the church of the Archangel Michael

Not far from one of the oldest and largest fig trees near the city of Kyrenia harbor is the Orthodox Church of Archangel Michael - a snow-white building, built in 1860. Earlier in her place was a tower, is part of the fortified city walls. Later, the church was added and the high bell tower, with the money to buy a big bell for her allocated a Turkish merchant who was a friend of the then rector of the church.

After the civil war in Cyprus, when the northern part were closed, some Orthodox churches, the church of the Archangel Michael became svozit stored in them before the icon. While many high-value items were smuggled out of the island and sold on the black market. Thus, according to a rough estimate, dozens of frescoes and icons more than 20 thousand were illegally sold into private collections. Fortunately, some of them, such as a fresco depicting the Last Judgment, the authorities managed to regain the island.

Yet most of the property and works of art has been preserved, and eventually in 1990 in the church of the Archangel Michael created a museum with one of the richest collections of icons all over Cyprus. Some of them were written at the beginning of the XVIII century, but the majority date from the XIX and XX centuries. So, among them there is an icon of St. Luke and the famous icon of the Beheading of St. John the Forerunner (the Baptist). In addition, there is also possible to see several rare editions of the Bible.

This beautiful collection to help learn more about the history and art of Cyprus, to plunge into the wonderful atmosphere of past eras.

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