   Photo: antiphonitis

Antiphonitis, which is part of the once very influential and wealthy monastery, located a few kilometers south of the village of Esentepe near Kyrenia. The word "Antifonitis" can be roughly translated as "one who answers", so often a place called "the monastery echo" or the "echoes Christ."

Legend has it that in this place a long time ago a beggar asked for a rich man to borrow money. When he asked who could vouch for him, the poor man replied, "Lord." It was at this very moment they both heard the voice of God.

It is believed that the history of Antifonitis began in the VII century, when, in a secluded place in the mountains among the forest thickets of the church was built in honor of the Virgin Mary. Later, around the XII-XIV centuries, it was added to her gallery and porch and a covered loggia.

In the XV century Antifonitis took under his wing the Lusignan dynasty, which at that time prevailed in Cyprus, leaving the monastery the status of "royal" and helping him financially. And when the Turks took over the island, due to the fact that one of the descendants of the former rulers managed to buy this place, the temple was converted into a mosque.

The dome of the church, which holds eight columns is not correct, and slightly oval in shape - it is believed that the reason for this was an error of builders. The altar is symbolically separated from the main part of the temple with two columns. Particular attention and admiration of tourists is a wall painting inside the church, which, unfortunately, not very well-preserved to this day, but still leaves a lasting impression.

Today antiphonitis considered one of the most significant monuments of Cyprus from the Middle Ages.

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