   Photo: Khreshchatyk

Khreshchatyk is the main street of Kiev. Since the nineteenth century, it is also the most popular place in which to walk the townspeople liked. The name of the street got through Groin Yar, where the once and began street. But to the XVIII century, there was the usual wasteland, but a prime location between several districts have done their job - Khreshchatyk quickly turned into the city's central street. Unfortunately, much of the old building was destroyed during the Second World War, so the modern Khreshchatyk built up mainly houses made in the so-called "Stalinist style." However, some old buildings still preserved, the oldest of them is the hotel "Cana" built in 1874 (it is now the Central deli).

Today, the street stretches from the European Square, where stands the building of the Ukrainian House. We can not but draw attention and tower, located above the House of Trade Unions, which is operated electronic clock. Street extends to the area of ​​Bessarabia, where the famous and oldest in Kiev Bessarabian market, built in the years 1910-1912. This Khreshchatyk crosses no less famous Independence Square (in common referred to simply Square).

Throughout Khreshchatyk (which is 1, 2 kilometers) observed following pattern - the whole street is designed as a single ensemble. So unaccustomed eye immediately notices where it ends, for example, the building of the Main Post Office and starts building, which houses several ministries. Here is just two metro stations - "Khreshchatyk" and "Independence Square", as well as the Kiev Passage. During holidays and weekends the streets are often blocked, turning into walking.

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