Nicholas Monastery hoods
   Photo: Nicholas Monastery hoods

Not far from the confluence Kashinka Vonzhi and that in the north-eastern side of the town of Kashin is a public Cowl monastery. According to ancient legend, the Novgorod Archbishop John was driving past these places in Jerusalem, while on his way to head down the hood, which was found some time later - on this very spot, and there was a monastery.

To date, the exact date of the monastery's foundation is not known, though to prove that in the early 14th century, he already had a place to be. In mid-1420 the first year in the monastery was a Klobukovsky Matthew Kozhin that in the future was called Reverend Makarios - the founder of the monastery of Kalyazin. Matthew decided to renounce the world and found monastic vows. On the territory of the monastery Klobukovskoy he spent a couple of years, and, after this time, left him. In the first years of its existence, the monastery grew rapidly and prospered, but after the introduction of the reforms of Catherine the situation became quite different - the monastery "poorer" in the congregation, though his superiors were of the rank of Archimandrite.

When Klobukovskoy monastery were three churches: the Church of the Holy Trinity, built in 1664 and equipped with a chapel in the name of St. Nicholas, Church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin, built in 1400 and renovated in 1821, and the church in honor of St. Alexis - Metropolitan of Moscow - in 1851 with the construction of two chapels (St. Peter and St. Paul and the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God). In addition, the location on the territory of the monastery was a gate altitude bell tower.

It is worth noting that among the important relics and treasures of the monastery can be called a cell belonging to St. Macarius - it is here that he made the so-called monastic feats. The cell was built in 1425, for which reason it is now in dilapidated condition and is completely unsuitable for living. The room quite small in size; it preserved ancient cross, candlesticks and lectern Monk. In the sacristy quite a long time were in possession of ancient banners, vessels, schema, the Ark, made of iron chains, cross with the relics of many saints and some other valuables. The monastery library was several valuable old printed manuscripts.

When Klobukovskom monastery are shrines that are of particular importance for the monastery and its parishioners. For example, the image of Theodore icon of Virgin Mary was donated to the monastery by Prince Yaroslav Vsevolodovich. In 2004, this icon was transferred to Kashin through the procession. Among the relics of the monastery is an Orthodox church and the altar, dating to the distant Christian times. In the ancient altar houses the remains of the holy martyrs - that this tradition is still alive in all Orthodox churches.

During the reign of the Soviet government in the building of the monastery was opened meat-processing plant, and in the cell of St. Macarius - slaughtering plant. It is important to note that, despite the work as global production, the temple almost hurt.

In 1994 the monastery was begun repair work. In the past, the monastery was exclusively male, but now the monastery - a female. For a long time at the monastery Klobukovskom not have adequate housing to stay, because what at first it was very difficult, and services were held only on holidays and Sundays. Today, the monastery continues to recover, albeit at a slow pace.

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