Military Museum
   Pictures: Military Museum

Military Museum in Kanchanaburi province - one of two dealing with the construction of the world-famous "road of death" - a railway from Thailand to Myanmar, built on the bones of the Japanese prisoners of war during the Second World War.

The museum was founded in 1977 by the venerable monk and abbot of Wat Phra Chaychumpol Venerable Theppanyasuthe. It is located on one of the spans of not less than the famous bridge over the River Kwai, which is part of the Thai-Burma railway.

Abbreviation in the name of the museum "JEATH" is composed of the first letters of nationalities, whose representatives gave their lives to build the project: Japanese (Japanese), English (English), Australians (Australian), Americans (American), Thai (Thai) and the Dutch (Holland) . The Thai military museum name sounds like Wat Tai.

The room of the museum is divided into two zones, in which historians have tried to recreate the atmosphere in which the death took place the construction of the road. The architecture of the museum is a reconstructed bamboo hut in which prisoners lived. It contains their paintings, photographs and drawings, as well as tools for the job. Preserved and interviews with some prisoners recorded their relatives and friends, describing the atrocities with detailed precision without embellishment. In the museum you can see how the whole province looked in the difficult years of World War II.

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