Vrublevetskaya forest
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Vrublevetskaya forest located on the hills at the confluence of the rivers Dniester and Tarnawa. It is the state botanical nature monument of local importance. The most beautiful forest landscapes nature reserve spread over an area of ​​89 hectares.

This forest plot of natural origin, covered typical for this zone hornbeam and oak trees, you can see a lot of interesting and unusual. Here you can find relic species - white sedge (carex alba). Steep hills (or, as they are called, "Tovtry") are dotted with nesting usual - orchid, autotrophic organism that does not have green leaves, and only thanks to symbiosis with woody plants provide their own food.

Vrublivtsy village located not far from the sanctuary, famous for the fact that it found fragments of one of the oldest sites of the early Paleolithic (approximately 300 thousand years ago), and late Paleolithic (40-13 thousand years ago). At this point, the research carried out remnants of the early settlement of Tripoli (4 th century BC.), Burial early Scythian period (7th c. BC), the early Slavic settlements Chernyakhovsk culture and period of Ancient Rus (ages 10-12). All this makes the reserve a great place to relax and "green" tourism.

People come here to relax and touch the nature of the locals. In Vrublevetskaya forest regularly hosts sports for children and adults for hiking, orienteering, skiing and many other exciting activities. The forest is beautiful at any time of the year, he hides in its bosom great solar field, here is often visited by mushroom pickers, lovers of wild berries.

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