Subichsky rock monastery
   Photo: Subichsky rock monastery

The village Subiche, near the town of Kamenetz-Podolsk is a very famous rock monastery. The monastery became known at the beginning of the XVI century, but many historians say that it existed already in the XVI-XVIII centuries.

Here you can see a few dozen caves-cells, cut deep into the rock. The Rock, in which both are all caves located on the river Dniester. This rock monastery is also called "little brother" Bakota monastery. Nowadays the cave draped rugs, paintings, embroidered hands of parishioners, photographs of ancient icons. Everyone here can pray.

The monastery is not very big, and to see all its charms, you will pass through very narrow path that descends to 40 meters high down to the Dniester. It should be noted that this road is not easy: approximately 800 meters have to go very carefully, but as a reward for this complexity look magnificent views of the reservoir of the Dniester. On the way, you can also find the sources from which has a cool, clean water.

Everyone who visited this place a man wants to be sure to come back here, and the people who are accustomed to a lot of tourists are happy to welcome visitors inside the famous rock monastery.

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