Tomb of Immanuel Kant
   Photo: Tomb of Immanuel Kant

On the island of Kant, on the outside of the northeast corner of the cathedral, it is a memorial in the form of a small open hall with columns adjacent to the wall of the temple and was built on the burial place of the outstanding philosopher, the founder of classical philosophy - Immanuel Kant.

After the death of Kant in 1804 the remains of the great philosopher was buried in the tomb of the professor's located on the north side of the Cathedral. In 1880, over the grave chapel was built in the Gothic Revival style, it stood until 1918. By the 200th anniversary of Immanuel Kant on the ruins of the chapel was built by Friedrich Lars structure in the form of an open columned hall with a cenotaph on a small pedestal. The new extension, preserved to this day, is very different for the architectural design from the Cathedral and looks independent structure. The memorial complex includes Immanuel Kant stone colonnade on the podium and a massive sarcophagus (cenotaph) of dark granite pedestal. On the wall of the Cathedral memorial plaque attached with broken years of life of the philosopher.

After the August bombings in 1944 and the April fighting the Soviet Army in 1945 out of all the architectural complex of the Cathedral are not destroyed was only Kant's grave. From the total destruction of the temple in Soviet times saved burial world famous philosopher and the greatest thinkers of the eighteenth century. Since August 1960 memorial Immanuel Kant is subject to state protection, and today is the object of cultural heritage (federal).

Tomb of Immanuel Kant lies in a picturesque park area surrounded by canals and is considered one of the most revered sites in Kaliningrad.

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