Lookout "Royal Castle"
   Photo: Lookout "Royal Castle"

In the historic center of Kaliningrad is a museum exposition in the open air "Royal Castle", established in the territory of the excavation of the ruins of an ancient castle of the Teutonic Order, pledged in 1255. Königsberg Castle, which gave the city its name, was the last refuge (1942-45 years) the famous Amber Room. The oldest landmark of the town was destroyed in 1967, and in the south-eastern part of the castle was built by the House of Soviets.

At the confluence of the two branches of the river Pregel in 1255 it was built a castle Czech king Ottokar II .  Later, a wooden structure was replaced by buildings of brick and stone .  The castle was reconstructed several times and changed in accordance with its purpose, combining the diversity of architectural styles .  At the end of the nineteenth century fortification turned into a museum complex and was the center of spiritual life .  In the early twentieth century, the castle consisted of several buildings: the Castle the church (the place of coronation of the Prussian kings), the "Silver library" with a collection of ancient books and manuscripts, a great "Hall of Muscovites" for receptions, an ancient octagonal tower Haberturm, Castle Tower (the tallest building, height 84, 5 meters), "Royal wing" with a throne, mirror, leather, hunting, ceramic rooms and royal apartments .  Also housed in the castle: the shelter "Firmari" wine restaurant (in the basement of the castle) "Blood Court" and "Royal Pond", adjacent to the northeast .  Until 1945 in Konigsberg castle housed various public and administrative institutions of East Prussia . 

In the years 1944-1945 the castle was badly damaged by bombardments from the air and in the assault of Koenigsberg. Since 1945 to 1967, the historic building to stand in ruins. In 1967, despite protests from scientists and residents of the city, the main tower and the walls of a medieval castle was blown up by a decision of the first secretary of the regional committee. At the site of the castle with 700 years of history located the area "Central". Since 2001, in an area of ​​archaeological excavations were employees of the Baltic expedition and History and Art Museum. In 2008, due to lack of funding excavations were stopped, and the ancient ruins was opened observation deck.

The open-air museum presents the exhibition: "The History of the Royal Castle", tells the story of the founding of Königsberg and the rich history of the Royal Castle, as well as an interactive exhibition entitled "Forward to the past", where visitors can try on armor, ride on horseback archery. As part of the tour, visitors are introduced to the legends and beliefs of citizens of the past centuries, the unique archaeological finds (relevant to the Teutonic Order) and amazing part of the historical and cultural landscape of the medieval castle. On the territory of the observation deck are underground structures foundation Castle Tower, West wing, part of the foundation of the house of the convent, Gate stones and lining parts.

Lookout "Royal Castle" - it is a wonderful place where visitors are surrounded by an atmosphere of secrets and mysteries, one of which is the Amber Room, disappeared without a trace from the castle during the war.

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