Museum of Suharto
   Photo: Museum of Suharto

Suharto's Museum - a historical museum, the exhibition is devoted to the history of the life of Haji Muhammad Suharto, the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, and which, it should be noted, it was one of the most influential political figures in the history of modern Indonesia. Haji Muhammad Suharto's rule by Indonesia Bole 30 years, from 1967 to 1998.

The museum is located in the park "Taman Mini Indonesia Indah" - unique of its kind park in the open air. The museum has a large collection of gifts of President Suharto, which include souvenirs and art works. These gifts are now collected in the museum, and visitors can see them. Gifts were received president during official visits to other countries by various world leaders, as well as by the Indonesian officials. In addition, the museum presents a collection of items of his personal life, but in a special room, visitors can see the battle honors of President Suharto that he received in the struggle for independence of the people of Indonesia. For those who want to buy souvenirs in the museum gift shop.

The architecture of the museum building quite original - the roof of the building is decorated with tumpengi - conical pyramid, one large and several smaller ones around. Tumpeng symbolizes harmony. The museum building was built by Suharto at the initiative of Mrs Hartin City in gratitude to the Lord the Almighty, and in recognition of the Indonesian people and the international community for its support of President Suharto. Construction of the museum lasted about five years, from 1987 to 1992. The grand opening took place in 1993, the museum opened personally by the president Suharto.

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