Maritime Museum
   Photo: Maritime Museum

The Maritime Museum is located on the territory of Sunda Kelapa old harbor. Sunda Kelapa from Sundanese language translates as "Sunda coconut" - This port is the main port of Sunda kingdom, which existed in the western part of the island of Java with 669 years before 1579. Sunda Kingdom covered the territory of present provinces of Banten, West Java, Jakarta capital city and the western part of the province of Central Java. It should be noted that the port has played an important role in the development of the capital of Indonesia, Jakarta.

Discovery of the Maritime Museum was held in 1977. Jakarta Maritime Museum Housed in a former warehouse of the East India Company, which dealt among other spices and keep them in stock. Visit the Maritime Museum, visitors can learn interesting facts about the maritime history of Indonesia, of seafaring tradition, as well as to discover - how important the sea is to the economy of Indonesia today.

The museum presents models of fishing boats and traditional sailing vessels in natural size from all parts of the Malay Archipelago. You can see and naval maps Indonesia, various navigation aids, photos and more. Visitors can see a rare collection of the famous schooner "pinisi" - traditional Indonesian two-masted sailing ships used by Bugis - one of the largest ethnic groups in the province of South Sulawesi. This province - the third of its value in Indonesia. Presented as a model boat that was used in the era of the Majapahit Empire. There is a separate room, where you can see an extensive collection of flora and fauna of Indonesia.

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