Aquarium "Sea World"
   Photo Aquarium "Sea World"

Aquarium "Sea World" was founded on October 2, 1992., When the governor of Jakarta, Mr. Vyogo Atmodarminto, laid the foundation stone to mark the start of construction of houses for underwater inhabitants. Today, "Sea World" is the largest aquarium in Southeast Asia. The building with surrounding buildings and territories covers an area of ​​more than three hectares, only one main building - is about 4, 5 thousand sq. M of multiple exposures.

The concept of the aquarium is rooted in the mentality of the maritime power in the world, which consists of more water than land. The thread of the 17,000 Indonesian islands stretches more than 5,000 kilometers and forms the coastline of 81,000 kilometers, fringed by coral reefs, famous for its biological diversity. Aquarium "Sea World" is a window wide open, giving everyone an opportunity to see with their own eyes and learn more about the precious and fragile marine life in Indonesia.

The main objective of the aquarium is very simple - to expand the horizons of visitors, entertaining them or providing appropriate educational programs. This is the first offshore development in Indonesia, which uses entertainment and educational concept based on what people can simultaneously watch or participate in underwater adventures, and improve their understanding of living beings and nature that will eventually lead to an understanding of their enduring role for the Environment medium. The mission of the aquarium is in three components: education, recreation and the environment.

The main aquarium sharks, rays and thousands of representatives of 351 species of animals are so close that they could be touched, if not walls 80-meter acrylic tunnel .  For the convenience of visitors, the tunnel is equipped with a moving walkway .  The area of ​​the aquarium is 38 x 24 m, depth varies from 4, 5 to 6 meters, and allows you to accommodate the volume of 5 million liters of seawater .  Due to its size is the largest marine aquarium in South East Asia .  The animals were fed daily with hands divers .  View this fascinating spectacle can be at a specially organized show with a guide-lecturer through a large window in the room, which is called the Amphitheatre .  On the second floor is an observation deck, which allows you to admire the main inhabitants of the aquarium top .  Closer to communicate with the animals and feed them in the presence of personnel in the special pool .  The main aquarium inhabited by dugongs, sea turtles, coral reef ecosystem is reproduced .

"Akularium" - a special aquarium with sharks. Feeding these animals - eerie and exciting spectacle. Attracted by the smell of fresh blood, sharks begin to swim like mad to quickly get your piece of meat, which they swallow immediately, and then seek additive.

On the right side "Akulariuma" is a theater room. There Scheduled showing documentaries on ocean life.

Freshwater area is a collection of freshwater fish from around the world. Particularly interesting fauna of the Amazon: Arapaima huge, ferocious piranhas and dancing eels.

The museum houses a collection of dried specimens preserved in alcohol or living fish, as well as the coelacanth, possibly already extinct, and Boys - a huge ramp. The museum is also used as a function room where you can celebrate various events, such as birthday, reunion, wedding and other surrounded by underwater scenery.

The aquarium "Sea World" implemented a training program entitled "Education in the" Sea World "", which is designed specifically to support the curriculum in biology and provides comprehensive knowledge of the marine world, students of any age. The program started in August 1994 and is popular with schools across the country. In addition, the aquarium specialists visit schools to tell students about the marine world. Some awareness-raising programs are implemented with the sponsorship.

Other infrastructure facilities: first-aid post, mosque, parking, gift shop, food court, library, touch screen, foot massage Garra Rufa fish.

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