Recreation Park
   Photo: Adventureland

In the resort city of Izmir one of the most interesting places for the whole family is quite large and beautiful park of culture and recreation. It is located right in the center of the city and covers an area of ​​about 30 hectares. Earlier in his place were Armenian and Greek quarters of which were destroyed by fire in 1922. Now the park is considered one of the greenest places in Izmir. Here, a large number of palm trees, Mediterranean plants, exotic flowers. And the object of the most beautiful park is undoubtedly the largest artificial lake with a picturesque island.

Find things to do in the Park of Culture and leisure travelers will be able to at any time. For fans of outdoor activities in the park includes tennis courts, swimming pools, a mini golf course and a tower for parachute jumps. Children can have fun on the numerous children's playground and rides. In addition, there is a small but interesting zoo.

A large variety of restaurants and cafes will surprise holidaymakers a wide range of dishes and drinks. Almost all of them are working around the clock. In the park there are agricultural and archaeological museums, open-air cinema and a small theater.

Beginning in 1932, this park every year from August 20 to September 20 held the International Izmir Fair Trading. During this time the city is particularly crowded. In the foreign trade of Turkey Izmir is a fairly weighty importance and it occupies second place after Istanbul. The fair attracts the attention of business and industry in most countries of the world. This brought a variety of goods from all over the world, there will present a variety of industries, conclude a trade agreement. Izmir Fair took pride of place among trade shows and gained international status.

Originally the fair was created to expand trade between the regions and cities within the country, to restore foreign trade, ruined by years of war. She had to familiarize foreign buyers with Turkish goods and bring them to local producers. The first fair was timed to coincide with the fifth anniversary of the liberation of Izmir by the Greek invaders. Izmir Fair from the very beginning was an unprecedented success and met all expectations of the organizers. For its implementation in the Park of Culture and Recreation year built a special pavilion. Along with the proper commercial fairs to attract more visitors, it is traditionally held various music festivals and cultural programs.

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