Truvor settlement
   Photo: Truvor settlement

Initially Izborsk located on the ancient settlement, which existed even before the fortress on the hill Zhuravey. Located in this area city occupied an area in the triangular cape, situated on a high plateau. This area was not so great, but the place was wonderful. Ancient city was located on a hill, the base of which goes straight to the bottom of the valley. From the height of the valley can be seen unprecedented scope, which goes into the valley of the northern part; the distance is more or less the lake. On the western and northern sides Truvor settlement was securely covered by deep ravines with a fairly steep slopes and the eastern part of the lake was located Gorodischenskoe. By the very top of the rampart he held a wooden fence of closely exposed and pointed top oak logs. We can say that the village was soon Krivichy settlement - a fortified settlement.

Truvor settlement was not a fortress in our modern sense of the concept. In the inner part of the settlement settled residents, the houses which served as houses, reaching a length of 4-4, 5 meters. Log cabins were built from logs, flooring Shots were using planed boards. Heating of dwellings is made through the clay oven. In the central part of the settlement was a small area of ​​about 20 meters, located across. The site was located on a natural limestone ledge, because what little towered over all surrounding surfaces. Most likely, in this place held frequent meetings of local residents, as well as celebrations were held in honor of pagan deities.

Particularly important evidence of past life and the ancient times Truvor settlement became survived to our times tombstones and crosses made of stone in the historic cemetery located near the mound. Ancient burial site, located at the edge of the settlement, up to now do not have names, but still gossip from century to century the legend that in ancient tombs of massive stone slabs buried soldiers glorified outsider Truvor who came to Izborsk land in led by their leader. There is a tomb, on which stands a huge cross, banked a little bit because of antiquity. In this grave and buried Truvor prince, who ruled as recorded in Izborsk "Tale of Bygone Years".

This tradition is now forever associated with the name of Izborsk. Catherine II, who believed in Izborsk legend of the Grand Duke, told minted medal bearing the words later that year, 864 died in the great ruler Truvor. This very large cross over the grave and called "Truvor cross" and an ancient burial - burial place Truvor. At the height of the stone cross reaches more than 2 meters, and the expansion of horizontal ends 1, 5 meters. The front side of the cross has a delicate trace of carved Slavic writing; thanks to the efforts of scientists managed to read it as a "glorious King Jesus Christ. Nico. " Nico, in this context, means "victory".

All the papers Truvor cross refers to the 14-15 century, though careful research grave of Prince Truvor nobody worked. Sufficiently studied the stone slabs, which are located in other ancient tombs, and no one has deciphered. Until now, many researchers are at odds over the value of geometric figures depicted on the gravestones.

Mysterious history Tuvorova settlement still keeps many secrets. According to local residents, fort guarding the snakes that guard not only the settlement, but also numerous graves from hunters archeological relics. In addition, the cross Truvor still revered as a "pillar of power", which contains the strongest source of energy of the earth.

On Truvor fort is also the Church of St. Nicholas, dating back to 16-17 centuries. It is this monument to fit harmoniously into the surrounding nature, making the necessary balance of what he saw.

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