Church of the Entry into Jerusalem
   Photo: Church of the Entry into Jerusalem

Church of the Entry into Jerusalem - is acting Orthodox church located on the Mount Krestovskaya on the territory of Central Park.

In September 1773 in Irkutsk was founded first citywide cemetery, issued out of the city, which required the construction of a special cemetery church. A one-storey stone building of the church without belfry was built in the heart of the new cemetery. Funds allocated construction of Irkutsk merchant Mikhail Siberians.

The church was founded in September 1793 its construction was completed in 1795, followed by the consecration of the Church of the Entry into Jerusalem. Since that time the cemetery was called Jerusalem. However, the church quickly decayed and partially collapsed after an earthquake. In 1817, it was proposed to build a new cemetery church. The author of the project of the new church was made by architect Deev Tomsk province.

Construction began in 1820 and ended in 1835. The rapid construction of a new entrance to the temple of Jerusalem prevented the collapse of the roof and structural damage that occurred in 1823. The iconostasis of the church was designed by local architect AV Vasiliev. In July 1835 the solemn consecration of the new church.

In 1867 the old church was dismantled Jerusalem, some suitable building materials used for the expansion of the new church. Originally the church had a chapel, but in 1890, with the north and south sides was attached two chapels. The first of these was consecrated in honor of Our Lady of Jerusalem, and the second - in the name of St. Mitrofan Voronezh Priory. At the beginning of the 1920s. church building was nationalized and handed over to the use of the parish community on loan.

In November 1931, the church was closed. In 1932, also was closed and Jerusalem cemetery. Temple of all the values ​​of the community of believers and property handed over to representatives of the Soviet power. As a result, the temple was used as a warehouse of the East Siberian boundary police, dormitories, a ski resort and one of the buildings of the school culture. In February 1990, the church received the status of cultural monument of local importance, and in March 2000 she was transferred to the Irkutsk diocese.

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