Mount Wellington
   Photo: Mount Wellington

At the foot of Mount Wellington in 1804 he founded the city of Hobart - the capital of Tasmania. Today, the locals call it simply "The Mountain." It towers over the city at 1271 meters, and its silhouette is visible from almost anywhere in Hobart.

Most of the year the mountain is covered with snow, sometimes even in summer. Its slopes are covered with dense forest, but they are crossed by many hiking trails. At the top is a narrow road length of about 22 km, and from the lookout near the top of the spectacular views of the city, which lies at the bottom, and the Derwent estuary area, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and located about 100 km to the west. And if you look at the Mount Wellington from Hobart, you can see the famous rock formations of coarse-grained basalt known as the Organ Pipes. Sometimes the mountain is called a sleeping volcano, although it is not - it was formed when the Australian continent separated from Gondwana pra-continent about 40 million years ago.

Indigenous inhabitants of Tasmania called the mountain "Ungbanyaletta", "Puravetter" or "Kunany." People from Palava tribe, descendants of the first inhabitants of the island still prefer these names. It is believed that the first humans appeared in Tasmania about 30-40 thousand years ago. Their beliefs and traditions, combined with the data of modern archaeological research suggests that they lived on Mount Wellington and the surrounding area for most of this period.

Dutch navigator Abel Tasman discovered the island in 1642, it is likely to Mount Wellington and did not see - his ship sailed a considerable distance from the south-east coast of Tasmania. Until the end of the 18th century no other Europeans set foot on the land of the island. Only in 1798 there appeared an Englishman Matthew Flinders, navigating around Tasmania. He called Mount Wellington "Table Mountain" for its similarity to the apex of the same name in South Africa. Its current name the mountain was in 1832 in honor of the Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.

Over the centuries 19-20h mountain was a popular holiday destination among residents of Hobart. On its lower slopes were built a lot of excursion sites, but none of them survived to the present day - all of them were destroyed in 1967 during the terrible forest fire. Today on the site burned down some campsites are organized picnic areas.

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