   Photo: Miles

Around 28 km away from the hair on the slopes of Mount Pelion (at an altitude of 400 m above sea level) is a picturesque Greek village Miles. This is one of the most picturesque mountain villages of Pelion. Milesa enchanting landscape and the surrounding area, the beautiful old houses, buried in greenery and flowers, paved streets, a rich cultural and historical heritage, and the amazing atmosphere of harmony and hospitality of the locals attract huge number of tourists.

During the Ottoman domination Miles was an important cultural center of the region. It was here in 1814 on the initiative of Anthimos Gazis, Grigorios Konstantasa and Daniel Filippidisa school was founded "Psychis Akos" - one of the first institutions of higher education in Greece during the Turkish occupation. Well-equipped teaching materials are in compliance with the European institutions, and high level of teaching is very quickly brought fame school.

Traditionally a favorite place Milesa residents and guests is a village square. Here you can relax and dine in the cozy restaurants and cafes, enjoying the excellent local cuisine. The square is located, and one of the main attractions Milesa - Church of Agios Taxiarchos 1741 with beautifully preserved beautiful frescoes. A feature of the temple is its superb acoustics. In 2000, with the support of the Ministry of Culture held here Bach Festival.

In the main square Milesa well located and the Public Library, which holds about 4,000 rare books and unique manuscripts, important historical documents, manuals from school "Psychis Akos" and the original flag of the revolution, which was raised in Milese Anthimos Gazis May 8, 1821.

You should definitely visit the famous railway station Milesa and take a fascinating tour on a small train rarity "Mountzouris". It is a journey through the picturesque gorges and forests, on the ancient stone arch bridge across the mountain villages, will allow you to fully enjoy the stunning scenery of Pelion. Railway designed by famous Italian engineer Evaristo De Chirico in 1895 and, given the unique natural landscapes, it is one of the most complex and unique railway constructions in the world.

Among the main attractions Milesa is also worth noting a small but very interesting Ethnographic Museum and the church of St. Nicholas.

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