Park St. Stephens Green
 Photo: Park St. Stephens Green

Park St. Stephens Green - one of the largest parks in Dublin. It is located in the city center, and the four surrounding streets are called Street St Stephens Green North, St. Stephen's Green West, St. Stephens Green East, and St. Stephen's Green South.

The park was officially opened to the public in July 1880. However, this place has been a favorite place for walks of wealthy citizens from the middle of the XVII century, when around the park were built expensive homes. But the park was only open to living there, and not all Dubliners. After the death of beloved husband of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, the Queen offered to rename the park in Albert Park and set in the center of the monument to Prince Albert. The proposal was indignantly rejected by the citizens, disappointed that a lot of the queen.

Sir Arthur Guinness, one of the then owners of the brewing company Guinness, offered to make available to the public park and gave a considerable amount of money for redevelopment and improvement of the park. In gratitude, the city authorities have established a monument to him in the park.

One of the main attractions of the park is considered a garden for the blind. In the northwestern part of the park planted with plants with a strong smell, which do not harm the touch and feeling, and a signature to the plants performed in Braille.

In the park there are numerous monuments and busts of prominent citizens - writers, public figures, etc. On the south side of the park is located Ivy House, the former residence of the Guinness family in 1939 transferred to the city. Now there is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On the west side there is the largest shopping center in Ireland, which is named the same as the park - St. Stephen's Green.

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