Temple Pura Dzhagatnahta
   Photo: Temple Pura Dzhagatnahta

Temple Pura Dzhagatnahta was built in 1953 and dedicated to the god Sanghyang Widi Wasa. Sanghyang Widi Wasa - the presiding deity is considered the embodiment of the unity of the world order is a combination of order and chaos, as well as an incarnation of the god Vishnu. The building is located in the eastern part of the famous Puputan Square.

Temple Pura Dzhagatnahta - state building, so completely open to the public all the faithful, without restrictions. Also in this church celebrated all the holidays, as the temple is considered to be central in the city of Denpasar. Although the Balinese recognized many gods, the belief in one supreme God (which, however, can have many guises) shows that Balinese Hinduism respects the principles of Pancasila, namely its first principle - the belief in a single god. Pancasila - the five principles of the Indonesian national philosophy, a kind of commandment.

Padmasana temple Pura Dzhagatnahta - the symbolic center of the main sanctuary in the form of a lotus - is made of white coral, there is an empty throne on the back of a turtle and two mystical snake-like creatures (naked). The throne symbolizes the heavens, and are a symbol of naked foundation of the world. The walls of the temple are decorated with engravings, which depict scenes from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the Indian epic.

Each month in the church held two festivals - during the new and full moon. During the festival at the temple show the breathtaking performances of wayang shadow puppets. Keep in mind that you need to buy traditional clothes sarong to visit this temple.

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