Humayun's Tomb
   Photo: Humayun's Tomb

The majestic tomb of the Mughal Emperor Humayun's more like a magnificent palace. It is located in the eastern part of New Delhi, which is easily accessible either by train or by taxi, and is the first in India, the tomb garden. The initiator of the construction was the wife of Humayun Hamid Banu Begum in 1562. The architects of the project were the architects and Persian poets - father and son, Said Muhammad Said and Mirak Ghiyat (or Mirak Mirza Ghiyas). Eight years later, the mausoleum was completed. It is a whole complex of buildings, which are located in a vast garden Char Bagh (which translated means "four gardens"), which is on three sides surrounded by a high wall, the fourth side of it rests on the river Yamuna, but since then its direction has changed location . In the garden, which is divided into 4 parts of two channels can be accessed through the southern and western gates, the main of which are considered to be large in size south.

The mausoleum itself is a large building made of red sandstone, decorated with white and black marble. The architectural style was influenced by the construction of the Persian zodcheskih traditions. Humayun's Tomb has become a kind of ancestor of buildings of this type, the most famous representative of which was built 70 years after the Taj Mahal. Quadrangular tomb stands on a small pedestal, and its dome rises more than 38 meters above the ground. The lower tier is decorated with graceful arches, which are located around the perimeter of the building. Sarcophagus of the ruler is at the center of the upper tier in a large hall decorated arranged in several rows of windows in the arched doorway. Later in the room it was installed several sarcophagi, in which are buried the wife of Humayun (including Hamida Banu Begum) and several subsequent Mughal emperors.

Just in Char Bagh are several tombs, the most famous of which is the tomb of the Nile Gumbad, which means "blue dome", which was built for the hairdresser's father Humayun - Babur. Near the Blue Nile Gumbad is another mausoleum, which was established in honor of Babur - the first Mughal emperor.

Humayun's Tomb is by far one of the best preserved Mughal architectural monuments and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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