Wrangel Island
   Photo: Wrangel Island

Wrangel Island in the territory of Chukotka Autonomous District - one of the most amazing places in the world. For several centuries, the island remained inaccessible to man. The stark and cold Arctic hid it from curious scientists and researchers. The island is located on the border of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas. The total area of ​​the reserve is about 2225, 6000 hectares.

The study of the island began in the 30s. XX century. But soon all economic activities on the island ceased. In 1937, the second chief of the settlement AI Mineev issued a decree to ban fox hunting in the north of the island with the purpose of nature protection, thus making the area of ​​reproductive reserve.

In 1953, the local government adopted a resolution on the protection of Wrangel Island walrus rookeries, and in 1968, this reserve was established to protect nesting snow geese, walrus, black brant, polar bears and colonial settlements seabirds. After a while the island Nunivak on Wrangel Island were introduced muskoxen and the executive committee of the Magadan region makes land acquisition Herald and Wrangel Islands under the future reserve for the protection of rare natural complexes islands. State Reserve "Wrangel Island" was officially organized March 23, 1976

The main objective of the reserve is the study and conservation of wildlife in the Arctic island. Despite the Arctic location of the island, its flora is characterized by high levels of endemism, which does not exist on other islands in the Arctic. Here you can find typical Arctic, as well as more southerly species. The Red Book included among the plants growing here and purple core erigeron complicated.

Wrangel Island is considered the world's largest area of ​​concentration of polar bear maternity dens. Each year the island lie in the lair around 400 bears. In addition, here are the largest in eastern Arctic seabird colonies, the only preserved to this day in Asia's largest breeding colony of white goose and the largest colony in the Chukchi Sea Thick murres, guillemots and kittiwakes.

In the summer and autumn of the year in the waters of the East Siberian and Chukchi seas meet the bowhead whale, gray whale, beluga whale and the fin whale.

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