Monte Massiko
   Photo: Monte Massiko

Monte Massiko - a small mountain range, located on the southern tip of the Campania plain and remarkable lush Mediterranean vegetation. It stretches from the extinct volcano roccamonfina in the north to the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south. In the east, the mountain range is limited by the plain of the river Volturno and in the west - the plain of the river Garigliano.

They say that one day at the foot of Monte Massiko stopped the god Bacchus (Bacchus), and took the old man by the name of Falerno, who gave him his last meal. Bacchus has decided to thank the old man and turned the milk into wine and mountain Massiko - in the fertile wine-growing region.

Today Monte Massiko is part of the natural park, supervised by the international organization WWF. This park was established in 1998 year and is spread in an area of ​​40 acres. In addition Massiko mountains, slopes are covered with holm oaks, hornbeams, oleanders, broom and olive groves, the park also includes Lake Falciano. On its shores you can find more than 90 species of birds! Among them - the buzzard, common owl, hawk, kestrel, owl. On land inhabited by wild boars, foxes, badgers, stone marten, hedgehogs, moles, various rodents and other small animals. Across the park include hiking trails and picnic areas equipped and relaxing.

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