Capua Vetere Santa Maria
   Photo: Maria Capua Vetere Santa

Santa Maria Capua Vetere - medieval town in the province of Caserta. In prehistoric times these lands were several settlements related to the culture of Villanova, which was later expanded by the Etruscans. In the 4th century BC Capua was the largest city in the peninsula after Rome. However, it expected the fate of many other Italian cities - it was destroyed by the Vandals, conquered by the Lombards, then, in the 9th century, once again destroyed by the Saracens. Escaped residents fled and founded modern Capua on the site of the ancient river port Kazilinum.

The city is known today as the Santa Maria Capua Vetere, slowly formed around the old Christian basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, San Pietro in lint and Sant Erasmo John Capitol. It is close to these religious buildings there were small settlements, later united in a commune. Until 1861 it was called Santa Maria Maggiore - even here the summer residence of King Robert of Anjou.

Today the main attraction of Santa Maria Capua Vetere is the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, founded, according to legend, in the 5th century Pope Symmachus. Once the church had only one nave, but in 787, the year it was extended by order of the Lombard ruler Arekisa Benevento II. And in 1666, the year it was added two side chapels. The current appearance of the Baroque basilica received in 1742-1788-m respectively.

Among other monuments of history and architecture of Santa Maria Capua Vetere is called Roman amphitheater Campano, its shape reminiscent of the Colosseum, the most interesting archaeological museum Antica Capua Museum gladiators and the Museum of Garibaldi, the Arch of Hadrian and perfectly preserved Mithraeum discovered in 1922 - on one of its walls you can see a fresco of the 2nd century BC depicting the goddess of Mithra.

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