Church of San Gil Abad
   Photo: Church of San Gil Abad

One of the most beautiful and important churches in Burgos is the church of San Gil Abad, located on the street bearing the same name. Dedicated Sant'Egidio (San Gil Abad), the church built in the Gothic style. The massive building of the church, had once been part of the ancient fortress walls, it looks rather reserved and even gloomy. At the same time the interior of the church impresses with its lavish decoration, and variety of decorative elements, made mainly in the Gothic style.

The church was built in the 14th century. In the 15-16 centuries Burgos experienced a period of economic and cultural growth. At the same time, the city has moved a lot of architects, sculptors and artists who worked on the creation of the city's cathedral. Many of them took part in the work on the decoration of the church of San Gil Abad.

In terms of the church has the shape of a Latin cross with three naves, three apses and transept quadrangular. Over the long history of the church it was attached to her several magnificent chapels. It is primarily a cappella del sorry, built in the 16th century, the Chapel of the Nativity of Mary with a magnificent altar in Plateresque, which depicts 12 scenes from her life, Chapel of the Holy Christ. On the south side of the transept is of Sorrows Chapel with the image of Our Lady, dating from the 17th century, and the Chapel of the Magi. In the chapel of Our Lady of Good Morning is a magnificent altar of the late 15th century, the center of which depicts the Virgin and Child, which is surrounded by images of saints Michael, Gabriel, Paul and Peter and the other apostles.

In 1931, the church of San Gil Abad was given the status of a national historic monument.

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