Museum "The saved artistic value"
   Photo: Museum "The saved artistic value"

Museum "The saved artistic value" - a branch of the Brest Regional Museum. Open February 4, 1989 in the mansion, which, ironically, he is rescued artistic value. This monument was built in the years 1925-27 by the architect J. Lisiecki and miraculously survived among contemporary urban development.

The museum contains art treasures confiscated at the border of the Brest customs. Alas, the rich collection of the museum, and it is regularly updated with new Confiscated. The unusual themes of the collection and its variety of daily attracts many residents of Brest and tourists with great interest examine themselves values, and ways in which they tried to smuggle through customs.

What is striking is cynical barbarism with which the cultural heritage of the nation are trying to take over the border at any cost. Thus, the museum presented a priceless ancient icon of "Saint. Vasily Sebaste with Life ", sawn into 6 parts.

The museum exposition is represented in 10 halls. In the first room you can see the unique materials on the activities of the Brest customs to prevent the export of cultural and artistic values ​​abroad. Three halls occupy confiscated icons, a third of them - the icon in a silver frame. The oldest icons in the museum date from the XVI century. Among them, "Christ in Majesty", "Our Lady of Vladimir", "The Annunciation".

In other halls collected antique furniture, jewelry, arts and crafts from around the world. There is also the famous Faberge jewelry, and statues of the Buddha, and masterpieces of world art.

During the existence of the museum, it has become fashionable cultural center. It hosts literary evenings, concerts, exhibitions and other interesting events.

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