Brest Regional Museum
   Photo: Brest Regional Museum

Brest Regional Museum is considered one of the youngest ethnographic museums of the Republic of Belarus. It was founded in 1950, when it was approved by the state and museum workers began gathering collections. June 22, 1957 opened the first permanent exhibition of the museum.

Now Brest Ethnographic Museum has assembled an impressive collection of exhibits. He also has four branches: the archaeological museum "Berestye" opened on the site of archaeological excavations ancient Slavic town, "Saved Artistic Values" demonstrates seized at customs artwork, "Kamenets Tower" - fortification of the XIII century, "Art Museum" opened in the south barracks of the Brest Fortress exhibits a collection of products arts and crafts.

The main exhibition of the museum includes the following collections: paintings (2 million units), graphics (about 24, 5 thousand units), sculpture (32 units), numismatics (almost 18 thousand units), as well as weapons, furniture, clothing, folk musical instruments , incunabula and manuscripts, jewelry made of precious metals and stones, photographs and documents.

In the department of nature are two articulated dioramas: "Bialowieza Forest" and "Polesie", telling about the wealth of unique flora and fauna of the Brest region.

In the museum you can get an idea of ​​the old way of life, folk arts and crafts, military, famous native of Brest.

The museum also holds art exhibitions and collections from other museums.

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