Grand Theatre
   Photo: Grand Theatre

Sample classic style, the Grand Theatre building in the XVIII century was the center of Bordeaux and his social life. Grand Theatre is located on the Place de la Comedie, in the northern part of St. Catherine Street and is adjacent to the Saint-Pierre. During the year the theater are presentation of opera and ballet, and regularly hosts tours.

The theater was built on the site of a Roman temple in the second half of the XVIII century. The author of this magnificent building is the architect Victor Louis, specially invited by the mayor of the Marquis de Tourny. Shortly before, the only one in the Bordeaux theater burned down, and the mayor of Tourny already for a couple of decades embodied his plan to turn Bordeaux, the most beautiful city in France. Construction of the theater began in 1773 and was conducted for seven years. On the opening day gave a performance in the theater "Athaliah" based on a play by French playwright Jean Racine.

The theater building in terms of looks like the peristyle, sustained in the traditions of the Corinthian order. The facade of the theater is a portico with a colonnade decorated with statues of the nine muses and goddesses Juno, Minerva and Venus, sponsors of the theater and the arts. The interior of the theater is decorated with frescoes, executed in the technique of optical illusion, increases the space and gives added depth and volume. After the restoration in 1990, the interior of the theater began to dominate the color blue instead of purple itself auditorium and stage were adapted to modern requirements set design, steel facades illuminate at night floodlights.

Currently, the theater houses the National Opera of Bordeaux and are concerts of symphonic music performed by the National Orchestra of Bordeaux and Aquitaine. Grand Theatre building is a historical monument and is recognized as one of the most beautiful theater buildings in the world.

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