Gates Cayo
   Photo: Gates Cayo

In the name of the gate Cayo (or Kelo) - two possible origins. According to one version, it comes from the Gascon word calhaus («cobblestone"), the second - from the name of a noble family of Kelo, several members of which even became mayors of Bordeaux in XIII-XV centuries.

Cayo Gate are a short walk from the Cathedral of St. Andrew. In the Middle Ages, the gate was the main entrance to the city. The road on which they stood, led to the palace, which was the residence of the Dukes, and then held the meeting of the city parliament. At the end of XVI and the beginning of the XVIII century palace burned several times. At the turn of the XIX century it was decided not to rebuild, and finally to demolish and build in its place an area called the Palace.

Gates Cayo were built to commemorate the victory, which the King Charles VIII in 1495 won over the Italian army at the battle of Fornovo. The gate is decorated with several statues, among which there is a statue of Charles VIII. Also near the gates of the statues of St. John the Theologian and the Cardinal Archbishop of Bordeaux d'Eperne, who was also present at the battle and was in the royal interest.

Despite clear signs of defensive structures that are present in the form of the gate (loopholes, skylights, jagged peaks and the lattice), in their way, you can see more elegant architectural ornaments - decorative arches, graceful towers, a medallion in the form of coat of arms with lilies, which support two angels. The architectural style of the gate Cayo combines the features of Gothic and Renaissance. The height of the gate with a spire on the central cupola is 35 meters. In 1822 restoration of the gate was held, during which not be restored bas-reliefs were removed and placed in the Museum of Aquitaine.

In 1883 Gates Cayo were awarded the status of a national historic monument.

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