Basilica of St. Michael
   Photo Basilica. Michael

The bell tower of the Basilica of St. Michael the Archangel, located in Bordeaux, is one of the highest religious structures in the world. Its height is almost 115 meters. The temple itself, for the most part, built with funds donated by parishioners. One of the mysteries of the cathedral - is found on the site of the former cemetery of mummies buried here people.

The Basilica is located on an area of ​​Menard, a kilometer from the Cathedral of Saint-André, near the Pont du Pierre. The construction of this church lasted from the XIV to the XVI century, and, as has often happened in the Middle Ages, as the location for its construction was selected already had a church here. For the construction of the Basilica of the architect was appointed by royal decree - it was Jean Lebas. First built new choirs, and already in 1466 in an unfinished building began to carry out the service with the participation of parishioners. In the XVI century, when the works were completed, the cathedral looks like a real example of the style "Flamboyant Gothic" and had a free-standing bell tower.

In the middle of the XVIII century, the spire of the bell tower was destroyed by an earthquake, it was engaged in the restoration of the architect Paul Abadie, but in the second half of the XIX century. During the Second World War it has been lost of the stained-glass image of the cathedral. Their place was taken by Max Ingrana - Wizard and Glass decorator, awarded the Legion of Honor. Stained Ingrana also decorate churches in other cities of France - Rouen, Toulouse and Strasbourg.

The story of the mummified remains occurred in the XVIII century, when, during the work on improvement of the area was accidentally dug a few graves - around the cathedral was once a cemetery. Preservation of bodies have tried to explain the peculiarities of the local soil, but rumor has given this story a mystical tinge. Until 1979, the remains were displayed in the underground crypt of the cathedral, but then they were reburied at another cemetery.

Since the end of XX century basilica, one of the cathedrals on the pilgrimage route of Saint James, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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