Museum of the History of pensions
   Photo: Museum of the History of pensions

History Museum in the city of Birobidzhan pensions - it is the only museum of its kind not only in Russia but also worldwide. The museum is housed in the building department of the Pension Fund of Russia in the Jewish Autonomous Region in the street by Sholom Aleichem. The initiators of the museum by the group of activists of the Pension Fund under the direction of Alexander Bobrov. I thought about the foundation of the museum occurred to him during the preparation to the destruction of the archives, whose shelf life has expired.

The grand opening of the museum took place in April 2008, the Museum of History is devoted to the history of the origin of the pensions and the development of pension business in the country. The museum exposition covers almost 300-year period of Russian history, from the time of Peter the Great. It was he who first introduced pensions for maritime officials, becoming the de facto founder of the pension system in Russia. According to the Marine Charter, the pension intended sailors who acquire a disability during his service in combat or families of the victims and for their country.

The pension Birobijan Museum exhibited rare archival documents relating to the calculation and payment of the state pension at different times. Collection replenished different things and documents donated to the museum by his visitors.

The most precious item in the museum is a museum pension book soldier, St. George A. Kuracheva gentleman who lived in the Amur region. Among the unique exhibits worth noting pension book soldier's widow during the Second World War, issued on plain paper. All the historical documents presented in the entourage of the museum objects of the period - a kerosene lamp, banknotes, soldier's ammunition, newspaper clippings and photographs. In addition, the museum allows visitors to see the authentic equipment, with professional staff pension agencies - stationery, typewriter, abacus, calculator and adding machine.

A special place in the museum devoted to the exhibition devoted to contemporary Pension Fund. This section presents the biographies and portraits of the leaders of the various branches and photo reports, reflecting important events.

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