Castello dei Suardo
   Photo: Castello dei Suardo

Castello dei Suardo stands at the foot of a hill in the center of town in the province of Bergamo Byantsano and faces the Val Cavallina. He was never a noble residence and was used as a storehouse for food, and as a refuge for pilgrims, merchants and various dealers. This is evidenced by the structure of the castle - his second and third floors, both very modest, only four arched windows with two doors and a long room with a combined side of the valley.

The whole complex of the Castello dei Suardo fortified by strong walls perfect rectangular shape, the corners of which are oriented to the cardinal. Above the castle towering 25-meter tower, placed in the center of the entrance, - it is made of square stones brought from the neighboring mountains, and still impresses with its grandeur. By the way, the material from which to build a tower - frost.

The building of the castle is divided light brown stone from the area of ​​Sarnico into two parts: the bottom is lined with stone blocks of enormous size. The portal is Gothic - with a lancet arch and a family coat of arms on it. It is protected by a double line of walls. Near preserved ramparts and a drawbridge with two guard dungeon. Donjon intended to defend the castle from attack by the Val Cavallina. In one corner of the Castello dei Suardo can still see elements of Ghibelline walls with loopholes.

Castle Hall paved with pebbles, is remarkable barrel vault, which is painted in bright colors, the master's hand. Here are depicted playing cupids, garlands of flowers, typical of the style of 13-14 centuries, as well as allegorical images of the four virtues. On the family coat of arms family Suardo placed above the main entrance to the castle, shows the ferocious lion and an eagle with prey in its talons.

Castello dei Suardo has good degree of preservation of structures erected in the 13-14 th centuries. In summer, the town Byantsano historical festival is held, during which all the courtyards, balconies and streets are decorated with flowers, and wander around dressed in period costume characters returning travelers in the distant past.

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