Belosarayskaya lighthouse
   Photo: lighthouse Belosarayskaya

Belosarayskaya lighthouse - a beacon of white stone, which is located on the sandy shore of the same name (the Ukrainian part of the Sea of ​​Azov). The lighthouse was built back in 1935 and at the time was an octagonal tower that twenty-three meters, as well as various outbuildings, where the sailors lived and the people in charge of the lighthouse. And now this, one of the oldest lighthouses in Ukraine acts. Until now, in its territory lived three families rangers, who every night are lit lantern lighthouse, thereby giving ships the hope for a speedy return home. On the territory of the lighthouse is a magnificent orchard, a tree which treats more than one generation. The sea rises continuously to the narrow strip of land, and sometimes during storms hit the walls of the lighthouse.

Lighthouses were built on Belosarayskoy spit a long time. At first it was a wooden building. For example, in 1811 on the money of merchants, it was built vosemnadtsatimetrovy beacon whose light was visible at a distance of 20 miles from shore. Note here the Cossacks to build in 1835 a new, major beacon of imported piece Kerch stone. And in 1890 a lighthouse equipped with a novelty at the time - steam whistle, brought specially from Canada, which is beeping during a heavy fog. Although modern lighthouse is equipped with the latest technology, the light from its fire is visible in the sea at a distance of only 14 miles, and yet merchant beacon was visible at a distance of 20 miles!
What is remarkable - since the lighthouse was repeatedly modernized inside, but its appearance has changed little.

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