Bauska Castle
   Photo: Bauska Castle

Bauska Castle is located in the town of Bauska at the junction of two rivers - Musashi and Memeles. The castle was a fortification built in the 15th century. It is expected that its construction was completed in 1451. Near the castle formed a settlement whose inhabitants were artisans and fishermen. Formed a settlement has been called "Vayrogmiests." It also houses a church and school building.

Already in 1518 the settlement was mentioned in chronicles under the name of Bauska. Linguists say two possible formation of the name: the word bauska - bad meadow or on bauze - the head, the top of the hill.

At the end of 1559 Bausksaya fortress, along with some other castles and regions, it has been handed over to Poland for temporary use as payment for help in the fight against the Livonian Order with Russia. In the spring of 1562. After the fall of the Livonian Order, its last master Gotthard Kettler swore allegiance to the Polish King Sigismund II Augustus and became the Duke of Kurzeme and Zemgale. At the end of the same year Bauska Castle was transferred to the ownership of the Duke Kettler.

After the end of the Livonian War in 1852 construction began on the new Bauska Castle, completed, presumably in 1596. This is evidenced discovered a stone tablet with the inscription "Soli Deo Gloria Anno 1596". In the same year, according to the will of Gotthard Kettler, the Duchy was divided between his two sons, Frederick and William. Duke Friedrich moved to Jelgava. It is believed that Bauska received city status in 1609, when Duke Friedrich awarded the city coat of arms with the image of the lion.

In 1621, with the beginning of the Polish-Swedish War of Duke Friedrich with the court temporarily located in Bauska Castle as Riga and Jelgava was occupied by Swedish troops. In 1625, the Swedes managed to capture the castle Bauska, where they remained until 1628. In 1624, after the death of Duke Frederick, his son took the throne of his brother Wilhelm - Jēkabs. In 1658, the Swedes have reoccupied Jelgava and captured Bauska and Dobele Castle. Devastated and ruined castle returned to Poland in 1660 after the signing of the Oliwa peace. Then on the repair work carried out in the castle, it had spent a large sum.

At the beginning of the Great Northern War in 1701, the Swedes recaptured the castle, and in 1706 almost the entire territory of Courland passed to the Russian Empire. In 1795, the Duchy of Courland became a part of Russia. In 1812, the territory of Courland German troops invaded, a few months they were able to take Jelgava and Bauska. They hoped to restore the Duchy of Courland and attach it to Prussia.

Restoration work in the Bauska Castle, which was the residence of the Dukes of Courland, began in 1973. Today, visitors are available for exploring the ramparts, ruins of the castle, in addition, you can climb to the observation deck, located in the central tower, which offers great views of the castle. In addition, the Bauska Castle Museum offers visitors a tour of the residence of the Dukes of Courland.

With lock Bauska connected several legends. On one of them, at midnight on the castle tower rises master, raising once the walls of this fortress. He was buried centuries ago near the castle, and still his spirit could not accept the fact. What many wars have destroyed the castle. There is still time two ghosts that appear in the night at the castle gates. The fact is that once the guards slept the enemy, and he entered the castle and seized it. The spirits of those detained during the night back to the bridge leading to the castle and sawing it, that would not prevent the penetration of the invaders into a fortress.

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