Walled City with the Maiden Tower
   Photo: Walled City with the Maiden Tower

Walled City with the Maiden Tower, located off the coast of the Caspian Sea in the old city of Baku - Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. According to historical data, the construction of the fortress began in the XII century. and lasted until the XIX century. The width of the walls of the defensive structures of 3, 5 m, height - 10 m.

Built on an inhabited area with Paleolithic ancient fortification has incorporated the features of different cultures. Throughout its existence the fortress owned: Zoroastrians, Arabs, Persians, Shirvanians, Turkish and Russian. Most of the ramparts XII century., Surrounding the inner city - Icheri Sheher, preserved to our days. There is also focused much of the ancient architectural monuments of Old Baku.

The top of the Baku hill was chosen for the construction of the palace. For its construction was used Absheron limestone. After processing, the limestone acquired a golden-ocher hue. The palace had a large octagonal room, covered by a cupola. There were also sleeping quarters. The upper level served as the tribunal held Sofa Khan. On the second level, there is the mausoleum of court scientist Seyid Yahya Bakuvi. It is an octagonal building, which resembles the upper part of the tent. Now this structure is called "The mausoleum of a dervish." Just below the hill housed the tomb of Shirvanshahs, built at the beginning of the second half of the XV century.

Throughout its 500-year history of the palace complex several times destroyed and rebuilt, but in spite of this, he was able to retain its original beauty and grandeur. Besides the palace complex in Icheri Sheher, you can see the preserved narrow streets with buildings X-XIV century., Minaret Synyk Kala XI century., As well as the catacombs and the minaret of Juma mosque of XIV century.

In the southeast of the Old City alone stands one of the most striking architectural landmarks of the fortress - the Maiden Tower, built in the XII century. 28-meter tower cylindrical in shape, built of gray limestone, has no analogues in the Caucasus. Since 2000, the ancient fortress with the Maiden Tower and the Palace of Shirvanshahs deemed UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

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