Parish Church Sv.Sebastiana
   Photo: Parish Church Sv.Sebastiana

Parish Church of Saint Sebastian is one of the main attractions and religious center of the Austrian community of Bad Blumau. Saint Sebastian was a Roman soldier and revered saint in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Construction of the church began in 1480. Then in Bad Blumau appeared majestic building in the Gothic style. But the staid it was not too long, and collapsed due to displacement of earth formations, which occurred in 1701. From the old buildings survived only a chapel of St. Leonard.

Modern building of the church of Saint Sebastian was built in the years 1702-1703 according to the drawings and under the guidance of the master of Graz Bartholomeus Ebner. In 1987, the church has been overhauled, and in 2001 of a workshop located in Slovenia Anton Shkrabla body arrived here.

The church interior is designed in a typical Baroque style. On one of the outer walls are a sundial with an inscription in two languages ​​- Latin and German: "Where the sun - there is life." Above the central altar is a painting of St. Sebastian pierced with arrows. Multi-colored stained glass windows pass enough light to create a cozy, unique atmosphere.

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