Tract Kurtyaevo
   Photo: Tract Kurtyaevo

Tract Kurtyaevo belongs to the Primorsky district of Arkhangelsk region, 35 kilometers from the city of Severodvinsk. It is known for its mineral springs and the church of St. Alexius. Kurtyaevo located on the site of an extinct volcano. A feature Kurtyaeva (in the XX century it became known as "Tract Kurtyaevo") is the existence of a small area of ​​more than 80 sources of brackish water. In two places key groups form streams that flow into the river verkhovka.

The settlement was first mentioned in Kurtyaevo literacy Korelskogo Nicholas monastery, dating from the years 1587-1588. Later, the land tract becomes possession of Cyril-Belozersky Monastery. Until the construction of churches and chapels in Kurtyaeve no permanent buildings, except fishing huts and hay, it was not. There is also no information on the possible use of local resources until 1721.

In historical documents the beginning of XIX century, there is mention of the church of St. Alexis, built in 1721. Another source from 1822 states that this temple was built out of the chapel, to which in 1721 was built the altar. This fact is confirmed by the results of architectural and archaeological measurements of: first chapel walls are preserved at the height of the windows. After the founding of the temple, before the altar, in the place of the appearance of the image, a new chapel was built. An uncommon situation of simultaneous coexistence odnoprestolnoy Church Alexy and chapels in honor of his own. This happens very rarely.

Studies show that a chapel in the name Alexis in the town Kurtyaevo enjoyed special reverence and respect, because, according to legend, was founded on the stump, on which there was a miraculous image of St. Alexis. For this reason, there has never laid out floor.

In historical documents it says that the chapel in one ensemble with the church was constructed immediately, but as the number of pilgrims to the holy places and the gradual development kurtyaevskoy clearing the area which is now 2 hectares, limited forest on one side and the river on the other verkhovka. Consistent with the building of the chapel appeared behind the fence of the temple (the latest version of this arrangement remained until 1917). Currently Alexievskaya church and chapel restored.

In addition to 80 keys brackish water in the hole Kurtyaevo is a natural source of medical-table sulfate-bicarbonate-sodium chloride water with a neutral-weakly alkaline reaction medium. Russian Scientific Centre and Resort Medicine developed a detailed methodology of therapeutic use of mineral water "Kurtyaevskaya" and recommended its use as a table beverage.
Mineral water can be used not only for therapeutic purposes (in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, prevention of iodine deficiency diseases and so on), but also as drinking water, as the degree of mineralization - low (disease genitourinary, digestive, and endocrine systems ).

Source nadkladeznoy a newly built chapel is located in the forest, about 1 kilometer from the church. One part of the path to power lies in the pine woods, the other part - through the swamp, where a brook flows Talets.

Tract Kurtyaevo a very popular tourist destination, especially in recent years.

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