In the village Bogdanovsky Ustyansky district of Arkhangelsk region 100 meters from the road, near the creek, is a wonderful gem. Stone resembles beam length of 1, 5, and a height of about 1 meter. The top and side faces of the stone - flat and gives the impression that it is a human hand hewn. At the same time, the side faces of the stone dropped to the lower base so that the top of its width is 75 cm, and the bottom - about one meter. His upper base parallel to the ground. Stone is oriented so that the outstanding end of the earth it is directed to the creek to the north. At the top end of the area you can see the wedge-shaped notches, markedly different from the natural chips and depressions are caused by exposure to environmental factors.

Where did and how did this stone, no one knows. All its outline indicates that it represents some ancient and mysterious monument of history. Rather, the determination of its accessories related with the history of Ustyansky edge. Its analysis leads to the events of a thousand years ago, to the days of stay in this region Chud zavolochskoy (Finno-Ugric population Zavolochye, first mentioned in the Chronicle).

Looking around the area, focuses on the niche in the land of the stone. One gets the impression that here the earth began to fall into some kind of an underground pit. Perhaps the stone indicated the location of the dugout in which are buried or samozahoroneny Chud. But the area around abounds with stones. Dig dugouts are quite difficult and impractical. In ancient times, spring, stream, was more affluent and just poured it would. This is probably formed because of the deepening of natural stone ground skid on the other.

Perhaps the stone shrine is a remnant population Chud. Currently, these sanctuaries found no one in the town Kokshenga. Tarnogskii ethnographer AA Ugryumov noted that Tschudi had special altars (prayer grounds), are places of pagan sacrifices Yomalyu - its main god. These prayer grounds unfolded among huge spruce. Intermedia them was a huge stone, and 2 smaller, exhibited a variety of wooden and stone idols. The large stone carved image of God, signatures and various designations. For example, scientists have found prayer grounds taking up Kokshenga that they still can not decipher.

This cleared the area of ​​spruce grow, but the 2-visible small stones to be seen. However, higher, at a distance of about 20 meters, is located kamennitsa of stones navozhennyh top. Maybe they are part kamennitsy and niche at the man-made stone - a recess of one of them. Chudskoe temples traditionally located on a hill. This is true in the valley of the stream, but the slope of one of the two large eel, between which runs a stream.

Over the past 100 years, this stone is called a "hot". In the summer, at night, he was visited by young people. Stone hardly cooled until dawn. It was a rendezvous of lovers, where they are recognized in their net, and good intentions. Perhaps to this day the "hot" Stone Peipsi is God, who became a Christian shrine if touched him the church, it does its holy mission - to sow peace among people and goods.

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